A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-1.I Principles of Miracles

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 21, 2012

We are continuing to discuss the principles of miracles. The group asked to go back and discuss the first 25 principles individually as we have discussed the last 25. The principles give us great insight. As the principles have told us, principles are natural. It is unnatural for us not to be experiencing miracles. So if we aren’t, something is amiss about the way we are thinking. The egoic mind, the separated mind, does not think in communication with the Mind of God. Thinking with the Mind of God is not in harmony with the egoic purpose of separation. If we are not miracle minded, we are then ego minded. When we find ourselves thinking like this, let Spirit guide your thoughts. Miracle mindedness will surface.

In the July/August issue of Miracles Magazine Jon Mundy quotes a passage for the Course in his lead article Perfect Happiness Now.

The Holy Spirit is the perfect Teacher. 2 The Holy Spirit uses only what your mind already understands to teach you that you do not understand it. 3 The Holy Spirit can deal with a reluctant learner without going counter to their mind, because part of their mind is still for God.

ACIM T – 5.III.10.1-3

Miracles operate in much the same way as Spirit, happening in just the right form, at the right time, and in the perfect way for where we are at the present moment. A miracle lifts or shifts our thinking to a level of higher consciousness which we can handle at that moment. Spirit never gives us more than we can handle at any given moment. Sometimes it may seem too immense for us, but in our decision to decide with God and ask Spirit for guidance, we have all we need to face the challenge. The miracle is the shift in our thinking that brings us to that higher level if we will allow our thinking to shift. And it will always be the perfect amount of shift for us at that moment. It is important to remember that our mind has never really left the Mind of God. We just need to be willing to recognize it.

Another principle tells us that miracles are not to be thought of as spectacles to induce belief. Rather miracles are a natural result of our willingness to believe the truth about who we really are. Miracles are not spectacles in any sense of the word. Miracles are those quiet shifts to a higher level of consciousness and thinking that lifts our awareness to the next level we are ready for or that we can handle. Miracles in themselves do not matter, it is their Source and the resulting shift that matter. Miracles are indications that we are progressing on our journey back to the awareness of who we really are.

Let go of your desire to control everything. Miracles can’t be controlled. The only control one can exert on a miracle is to deny it. That doesn’t bring about miracle mindedness. So let the miracles come. Welcome them with open arms and an open mind. The blessing will be ours. We will experience the highest good possible at that moment. Let is be so.

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