A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-31.IV The Real Alternative

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 1, 2012

We are on a journey in this life. And, it appears there are many roads to choose from on this journey. We each have probably tried many with many different results and experiences. Some were happy. Some were challenging, some were ordinary. And some were disastrous. I wonder where we thought each of them would lead us as we took that fork in the road.

The fact is it makes no difference which road we take in this world for they all lead to the same place. Each path looks very different. The events we experience along each path seem very different and unique. Yet, they each take us to the same place. We hope each way will lead us to happiness, peace, abundance, joy, and love. Often we do experience some or all of these as we move along these paths. But each way seems to fall short of what we are really looking for. Even though each of these paths seem to be unique, custom made for us – which they are- they all lead to one place. That place is separation. As long as we look at these paths as they appear to us and see them as real and leading us to freedom and salvation, we will not find our way to where we really want to go. We must stop a moment and look beyond the appearance of the road we think we see, and seek Spirit’s guidance on our journey.

There is nothing inherently wrong with any of these paths. They each have lessons on the way for us. But we will never see the way clearly before us unless we take that moment to stop and seek the guidance of Oneness. And then walk with that guidance in unity. We are really on the right road. We’re on the only road there is. We are just headed in the wrong direction. One direction takes us toward separation, and the opposite takes us toward unity and Oneness. The way toward Oneness brings us the awareness of who we really are and the memory of our wholeness, our divinity. While the walk toward separation can feel lonely and daunting, the walk toward Oneness is filled with the knowledge that we all walk it together.

Each encounter with another, our brother or sister, is an opportunity to turn, join together, and walk down the path toward unity and Oneness. This is the real alternative to going it alone, which is the false alternative. Our tendency is to “go it alone”, for we can then blame others for not getting where we want to go. But it is our mission in this life to join together with each other, recognize the wholeness that is every one of us, and walk together in our One Path to Oneness. In this joining we see ourselves and each other as we really are, seeing beyond the appearances of the world of separation. Though we may still walk in the world of form, we now look beyond its appearances to the holy meaning behind each appearance and understand it real purpose in the real world. Let it be so.

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