A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-31.IV The Real Alternative

abstract background withe sea sunriseMay 8, 2012

This week we again talk about choosing the road we travel. We seem to have infinite choices before us as to which road to take as we move along our journey. Yet the Course tells us there is only one choice, one real alternative. Why do we seem to see so many choices before us? And how do we choose correctly, how do we discern the real alternative from all the others? The Course gives us some hints and some ways to discern the real alternative.

We first ask ourselves what we really want and where we really want to go. These alternatives are not so much about what we think we see, but what is beyond what we think we see.   So often, perhaps most of the time, we get caught up in what appears to be right in front of us and what appears to be most urgent or the loudest, that which cannot be avoided. However, we always have the opportunity to stop a moment and consider, just for a moment, what is facing us. This gives us a moment to look within and seek the guidance of Spirit always present within us. If we want to journey toward happiness or peace, we need to be sure we are journeying in the direction of happiness and peace. We need to look carefully at the choice of roads that seem to be in front of us. As we look at the choices that appear in front of us, we can ask Spirit to guide us in our choice. Perhaps we simply need to turn around and look in the other direction.

We can also ask ourselves whether we are journeying inward or outward. Are we looking within ourselves or outside ourselves for an answer and guidance? We have all we need within us for God created us complete and whole. The whole of creation is One, joined, unified, and cannot be separated from any part of itself. Whatever we look for outside of ourselves must be illusion, for nothing real can be apart from us, it is already part of us. The brother or sister that appears so vividly apart form us is really One with us. We just see them incorrectly. We have chosen to think of them apart from us so we can blame them for our misperceptions and thus protect ourselves. However, the brother or sister in our life at this moment is the key to discerning whether we are journeying outward or inward.

How do we see or perceive our brother or sister? Do we see them as they really are, One with us, inseparable? Or do we see them “out there” separate from us? Take that moment again, as many times as it takes, to stop and ask Spirit, the Universe, for guidance in making our choice. As we let Spirit guide our choice, we will choose the real alternative by taking each other’s hand and looking within to the reality of who we really are. As we move within, we remember ever so clearly the true essence of our being. We remember the ancient song of joy that wells up to our consciousness again and reminds us that we are who we really are, whole, and lacking nothing. We are engulfed in the peace, love, and joy that surpassed all understanding. Let it be so.

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