A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-30.VII The New Interpretation

abstract background withe sea sunriseMarch 20, 2012

As we go about our lives in this world, our interpretation of this world is in continual flux. We give the meaning anything has to everything we see and experience. And as we have new experiences we sometimes see new things and give them their meaning, or we change the meaning of things we have already given a meaning to. In our mind, our thoughts and ideas are always changing and adding to what we have already experienced and interpreted. In this way we write a script for each little bit of our lives, writing new scenes and acts for each new episode in our lives.

However, in the real world – the world seen through the eyes of Spirit – there is only one meaning for everything. That one meaning must apply to everything in order to be consistent and true. When anything is seen or understood clearly there can be no change in its meaning no matter what happens in the world of form. This idea certainly seems insane to us. Certainly everything can’t have the same meaning. What we must be willing to accept and understand is that the meaning we have given anything is based on incomplete information, an incomplete picture, and an incomplete or separated mind. We have tried to judge, understand, and perceive on our own – in isolation – without benefit of counsel.

Most of us would never dare try to navigate our court system without the benefit and guidance of a qualified attorney. Yet we are very willing to navigate the myriad paths of life without the aid of a qualified guide. We dive into the fray of life, many times without a clue of what we are in for, and try to make our way out of the messes in which we find ourselves in any way we can. And every moment we write a new script for the dream we are dreaming at that moment. We do our best. We do our very best. But we are missing a whole lot of crucial information to guide ourselves smoothly on the way. Sometimes we even find ourselves unnecessarily moving backwards rather than forward.

We need not be so confused, afraid, and unsure. Source – God – has provided us with counsel to guide us on the path. Spirit guides us in our perception to the correct perception for us in any given situation. The correct meaning will be evident in that new perception, that new interpretation that flows from Sprit within us. And that new meaning will be a shared meaning that we share with another, our brother or sister. Spirit always has the correct meaning for us at any given moment. It is our choice whether we perceive in isolation on our own or allow our mind to share in the most appropriate shared meaning Spirit guides us to. And as we share this higher meaning with those we are in relationship with, those relationships are healed. We experience the miracle of healing of our minds as we let our thoughts be guided by Spirit and the Mind of God. Then, as the song goes, “the world will be a better place, for you, and me…” Let it be so.

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