A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-30.VIII Changeless Reality

abstract background withe sea sunriseMarch 27, 2012

Appearances deceive us, for appearances change. As we move through life, the world around us appears to change. But what really changes? It’s really our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs about the world that change. Our thoughts, ideas, and beliefs are the appearances we seem to see. If what we see changes, or can change, or we want to change, it is unreality. Reality is changeless. No thought or desire of change can make reality subject to change. So the wavering appearances of what we think is real is not reality. It is merely our perception based on our perceptions based on conclusions and judgments made in isolation.

The place we work this perception out is in our relationships. Do we see the reality of another we have encountered? Do we see them as God and Spirit see them? Do we see them whole and changeless? Or do we drift to how they appear to us at that moment? Does that appearance change from time? Do we see a lack in them? Are we recognizing ourselves in that one we are with right now? As we open ourselves to Spirit’s guidance we begin to see beyond the appearances we made up. We look beyond the judgments we have made about them. And we begin to see the Christ within them. We recognize the Divinity within them that is so familiar because it is the same Divinity within ourselves.

That Divinity speaks the truth of who we really are. It calls to all creation for the joining in our One Divine Presence. It is unchanging, for it is not of form, but is of Truth. It seems illogical that form cannot be changeless, but form is defined by our thoughts about form! Thus form is appearance and can change subject to our own thoughts.

Divine light shines within us from the One Source. We recognize that light in each other as we allow ourselves to see with Spirit’s eyes. We all have Spirit’s eyes. This vision allows the miracle of healing to come in us. The miracle is the seeing beyond appearances. The miracle transcends all appearances so we see reality. Withhold no appearance from the miracle offered. Let no attachment to any appearance keep you from seeing the whole of reality. Peace, joy, and love are there in that reality, offered so we may recognize the truth of who we really are. Let us take each other by the hand and let go of all the appearances we had held so dear and walk joyfully into the presence of the Christ, the light and bliss of reality. It is our reality.

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