A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-8.I The Direction of the Curriculum

abstract background withe sea sunriseJune 3, 2014

Peace is our motivation for learning this course and is the prerequisite for knowledge. If we are not is a state of peace, we are in a state of conflict, and knowledge cannot be accessed in a state of conflict. Peace is the natural sate of who we really are. Peace opens the door to the awareness of our natural state of being that is all around us. Conflict keeps our mind divided. Peace unites our mind and joins our mind with all other minds. In Chapter 7 we learned about the state of grace being our natural state. The state of grace and the state of peace are one and the same. There is no conflict and our mind flows freely in harmony with all other minds within the Mind of God. Our mind cannot rest in peace and grace when it is conflicted.

What causes our mind to be conflicted is that we have given our allegiance to a thought system that is not real. We may not even realize it, but we have given control of our mind over to an egoic thought system. It is a thought system that is invested in maintaining the idea that we are separate from Creation and somehow are independent from God and all others. This idea is constantly in conflict with the truth about who we are – that we are One with all that Is. Much of the teaching and learning we have encountered since our physical birth has guided us to the belief that we are separate and have a separate identity. But that doesn’t make separateness true. It only conflicts with the truth about who we are – that we are One with God and all creation. We cannot change who we really are, so we place blocks to the awareness of who we really are in our thought system. The result, we believe we are a separate identity that is in conflict with our natural state of peace and grace and our higher One mind.

We have inadvertently been following two teachers and two curriculums. One of separation and one of Oneness. One can already see the conflict in this statement. A simple choice to relinquish our allegiance to egoic thinking and the belief in separation begins a journey to the reawakened awareness of who we really are and our Oneness. We already are that One, but we are guided back to the awareness of who we really are as guided by Spirit. Spirit guides us to a state of peace and grace where we can listen to the Voice of Spirit as It guides us. Every moment, every experience, every encounter and relationship become the lessons that teach us the power we have to be at peace, to be in a state of grace. Wherever we are, whatever we do, we are in that state of peace and grace whether we are aware of it or not. Relinquish any attachment and belief in separation and a state of conflict. And allow Spirit to guide our thoughts and mind to Oneness and Unity. We have nothing to lose but conflict. And, we have nothing to gain but peace, love and joy. Don’t worry, be happy. Let it be so.

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