A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-8.IX Healing As Corrected Perception

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 19, 2014

I ran across this phrase in my reading this week. “Healing is of the Mind.” I don’t remember where I read it, but it resounded in my being as it certainly could have come from the Course. This section of Chapter 8 of the Course certainly says it in a variety of ways. But we don’t fully understand it. Our attitude toward the body, or our beliefs about the body tend to take precedence over our awareness of who we really are. We have learned that we are not a body; that the body is not who we really are. We are spirit, we are One with our Creator and all of Creation, whole, perfect, and joyous. The healing the Course is referring to is the healing of the mind. Healing of the mind is the correction of how we perceive or how we think about ourselves, each other and our Source. The Course refers to sickness as insanity. This is sickness of the mind. The Course also tells us we are and always have been whole. The only limits placed on our wholeness are placed there by our split mind, the mind that has convinced us we are separate from who we really are. Healing is the correction of the perception of who we think we are!

Spirit asks us to allow Spirit to teach us the correct perception of the body. Asking Spirit to heal the body keeps our minds mired in incorrect perception. But asking Spirit to heal our perception gets our minds to the root of healing at its most basic level. I‘m not saying to ignore the health of the body while we are journeying in this world, but to keep it in perspective and also go to the root of our misperception. This is where Spirit can work most effectively. This is the level where miracles occur. A miracle is a change in perception to a more correct perception. A miracle is a healing of a thought or perception. Nothing is more joyous than allowing Spirit to raise our level of perception and thus our level of awareness.

The Course tells us in paragraph 3 that, “Wholeness heals because it is of the mind.” Our awareness of our wholeness must be in our mind to be truly transforming. Where else can we believe we are whole but in our mind? Any thought of lack of wholeness is basically a fear of awakening to the realization of who we really are. Our egoic thought system has convinced us we are afraid of who we really are and that we therefore should not awaken to that reality. Again, we have Spirit to guide us in this awakening. We need not accomplish it ourselves. Spirit meets us right where we are and uses our perceptions to raise our level of perception to a higher level, bringing us to a more correct level of perception.

Healing is our joining into One Mind. In paragraph 8, the Course tells us “When we limit ourselves we are not of one mind, and that is sickness. Yet sickness is not of the body but of the mind. All forms of sickness are signs that the mind is split, and does not accept a unified purpose.” Spirit guides us in this healing, the unification of purpose. We are created to be and extend Love. We are created whole. We are created perfect. We are created lacking nothing and having all we need and all there is. We are created limitless. What power there is in the realization of this truth about all we are. It is not a power over anyone or anything, but a power of rest, comfort and knowing. Spirit is gently calling to us, calling us to awaken from our slumber and awaken to the reality of who we really are. Open your eyes. Remove the blocks to the awareness of who you really are and rejoin the unified purpose of the One Mind. Be the fullness of Love and let Love radiate from within your being to all you encounter. Thus are our minds healed as we realize again we are whole.

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