A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-9.I The Acceptance of Reality

abstract background withe sea sunriseAugust 26, 2014

One might ask, “What do you mean, the Acceptance of Reality?” We think that what we see and experience is reality. However, that can be deceiving. We have grown up and lived in a world of perception, a world of separation. The world we think we see is more about our perception of it and what we think about it than its actual form. That is evidenced in the fact that two people can see and experience the same event yet have completely different descriptions of what happened. We judge everything we see and experience through the bias of our past experiences and all that we have been taught and exposed to in our life to this point. We have accepted the “reality” of our perception without question rather than looking beyond our perception to the truth beyond it. We have come to accept that we are OK with what is familiar, even if it’s not great, and look no further.

Reality is the world Source created. Reality is the world we were created in and in which we co-create with Source. There is no separation in reality. There is no lack or limitation in reality. There is no attack, defense, blame or guilt in reality. There is no fear in reality, for there is nothing real to fear in reality. All fear is a result of our acceptance of and belief in the idea of separation; that we are separate from our Source and each other. We have distorted the fact that we are created in the Creator’s image and that we are an extension of our Creator into a belief that we are something different than we are created. We believe that we have messed up and damaged our Creator’s creation. In reality this is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, we have come to fear ourselves. We have come to fear who we are. We have come to fear our perceived will because we believe it is different from our Creator’s will. The truth is our will is One with our Creator’s Will and each other’s, sharing all there is with the Creator. We lack nothing and there is nothing real about us that can be hurt or damaged. We are One with Source. The only thing that keeps us from the awareness of this is our belief in and fear that we are different. We have become so entrenched in our belief that we are not One with our Creator that we find it impossible to change our mind on our own. So we have been given Spirit as a guide to show us the way back to the awareness of who we really are. Spirit asks us to begin by being just a little willing to look at ourselves differently. Can we begin to accept that we are One with our Creator? Are we willing to drop the resistance to the truth about us that we have been so tightly clinging to all these years? God’s will for us is to be One with all Creation, to be in our natural state of being filled with peace, love and joy.

The world we think we see is not really reality. It can’t be because there is so much division perceived in it. Reality is perceived beyond the appearance of this world we see. Every One we encounter and every experience we experience is an opportunity to allow Spirit to guide our perception and raise our awareness to true reality. Begin by accepting real reality into your awareness. Allow the idea that we are as we are created, whole and perfect, to take root in our minds and accept the reality of who we really are, the One Creation of the Creator. Peace, love and joy are only a thought away. Accept the real reality of the Creator and step into the awareness of who you really are. This is reality.

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