A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-11.V The “Dynamics” of the Ego

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 7, 2015

We are whole, complete, and divine. This is our true nature. When we align our thoughts and perception with this true nature without exception, we are aligning our minds with the One Mind and true perception. In this state of being we allow all perception to be guided by our one true thought system, the One Mind. We find that all thoughts lead to joy, love, and peace. And we experience the divine nature of who we really are. No mistake we make can possibly change the reality of our true nature. No thought, no matter how real we believe it to be, can alter the truth of our divine nature. Our freedom and our happiness is in our allegiance to our true nature and our true Mind. Love, joy and happiness flow from the freedom of living in the awareness of who we really are.

We fall out of awareness of who we really are when we begin to limit our perception. Selective perception is the process of limiting our perception. Our egoic thought system is so involved with “protecting” us from our thoughts it dramatically limits the thoughts we bring to our awareness. Yet, many of the thoughts it allows to rise to our awareness are misperceptions and selective at that. Our egoic way of thinking allows only the thoughts we are used to from past experiences and lessons to rise to the surface of our awareness. This is our “thought dispatcher” we have been training all our life. However, we have a better dispatcher already within us in Spirit. This dispatcher is our Higher Holy Spirit Self, our true Identity, though we can think if as a holy friend to help guide us. The Course reminds us again and again to rely on Spirit to guide our thoughts. Spirit knows the exact right thing we need at each and every moment. Spirit will guider our perception as we allow It to. We have nothing to fear since nothing unreal can harm us because nothing unreal even exists except in our separated minds.

Every moment of every day we are reminded of our wholeness, our completeness and our divine nature. We need simply look to Spirit for guidance in all we think. Every encounter is a chance to see more clearly. Every experience is a chance to shift our perception and allow a more correct perception to enter our minds. This section ends with this lovely passage:

Every one you meet becomes a witness for the One Mind or for the egoic thought system, depending on what you perceive in them. Everyone convinces you of what you want to perceive, and of the reality of the state of mind you have chosen for your vigilance. Everything you perceive is a witness to the thought system you want to be true. Every One has the power to release you, if you choose to be free. You cannot accept false witness of them unless you have evoked false witnesses against them. If they speak not of Oneness to you, you spoke not of Oneness to them. You hear but your own voice, and if Oneness speaks through you, you will hear the One. ACIM T-11.V.18.1-7

Release your mind from the chains of the egoic thought system and separation and enter the freedom of completeness, wholeness and the divine nature that wells up within you. Be the reality of who you really are and dwell in the Realm of Heaven as you see each other dwelling there, too. The healed mind is the recognition of the Whole Mind we always are.

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