A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-11.VI Waking to Redemption

abstract background withe sea sunriseApril 14, 2015

The world we see is determined by our perception. Our experiences are interpreted by our perception. And our perception is guided by our beliefs. Our perceptions and our beliefs go hand in hand. Remember the phrase, “What I believe I will see.” This statement is always true. It doesn’t mean what we believe and see is true, it just means we believe what we think we see is real. Perception is that powerful to our consciousness. The Course begins this section with this:

It is impossible not to believe what you see, but it is equally impossible to see what you do not believe. Perceptions are built up on the basis of experience, and experience leads to beliefs. It is not until beliefs are fixed that perceptions stabilize. In effect, then, what you believe you do see. ACIM T-11.VI.1.12-4

How do we choose to perceive ourselves? What do we really believe about ourselves? Do we believe the truth about who we are or do we believe we are the product of our past experiences? No experience and no perception can change who we really are, but we can only see ourselves through the perception of what we believe about ourselves.

Left to our egoic thought system, which is invested in separation, we see ourselves as lacking, a small individual cog in the wheel of a world we think controls us. We seem to be at its mercy, subject to attack and a victim if all its separate parts. However, when we turn our perception over to the Spirit within us, we tap into a bigger view of ourselves. Spirit guides us in the awareness that we are all One, that we are all whole and complete just the way we are. This vision works two ways. Once we see another whole and complete, we then see ourselves whole and complete. And once we see ourselves whole and complete, we see others whole and complete. Spirit guides our minds in transcending the perception of the world we think we see, seeing beyond its appearances to the truth about our true nature as we are created, whole and complete. This awareness, this transcendence, is the truth we are seeking, yet seeking outside ourselves when it is already within us, there to be seen if we will open our eyes. Our body’s eyes will never see this on their own, but our Spirit Vision will see this when we allow our minds to rise to its Sight. We allow our Vision to awaken and there it is!

We have all we need to rise to the awareness our divine nature. The Course tells us:

Do not underestimate the power of the devotion of your One Self, nor the power the god you worship has over you. For you place yourself at the altar of your god, whether it be the god you made or the God Who created you. That is why your slavery is as complete as your freedom, for you will obey only the god you accept. ACIM T-11.VI.5.1-3

It all comes down to the choices we make about what we believe about ourselves. Do we believe the god of sacrifice and suffering we made and crucify our awareness of who we really are, separating us from the Love of the One we are created by? Or do we believe the Spirit Vision within us showing us the truth of who we really are, resurrecting the awareness of who we really are and transcending the world we thought we were trapped in? The One does not require obedience, for our divine nature is natural. It releases us from the sacrifice of submission and rejoices with us in the gladness of freedom. What more could we possibly want? It is our choice. And the time to make that choice for the gladness of freedom is now.

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