A Course In Miracles – San Jose Karl J Vidt, ACIM Student/Teacher

ACIM T-23.IV Above the Battleground

April 27, 2010

Purpose is what unifies, brings together.  The purpose we unify in tells us where we are placing our trust and our awareness.  The purpose of God and our purpose are shared, they unite, and they are One.  They cannot be separated.  Yet, we strive so hard to join a purpose other than God’s that we block our awareness of our shared purpose with God.  Since the purpose we share with God is the only true purpose, all other purposes must be illusion, unreal.  They go nowhere and serve no real function.  They serve only to block our awareness of our true purpose and the awareness of the Heaven God created for us.

When we know our purpose and know that it is one with God’s, there is no sorrow; it is inconceivable.  The light of love is in our awareness, and nothing can block it.  And love fills our whole being.  Nothing can diminish it.  All that is of any purpose other than God’s fades away.  It disappears into nothingness.  In this state of mind we rise above the battlefield of our mind.  Whether we think the battle is raging or that there is a lull in the battle, we see that the battlefield is all about the thoughts in our mind about what is happening in the world around us.

We allow ourselves to be lifted to a place where we can see.  We see through all the mistaken ideas we have clung to.  We see that they have given us a false perception of everything.  We see the holiness of ourselves, each other, and all of creation as we let Spirit show us our Vision.  Vision sees through the false purposes and lets them fall away.  It shows us the true purpose we share with God.  We rejoice at the peace and happiness that fills us as we join in Holy purpose.  All is forgiven, let go of.  We float, we soar, and we love unconditionally.  Heaven is upon us.  It welcomes us to our awareness of its presence then, now, and to come.  For Heaven, unlike any other state of mind is timeless.  It never changes. It is always welcoming us with open loving arms.

When will we let ourselves see it?  With the strength of God in our awareness, we can never even think of the battlefield.  All the attack and defensiveness of that state of mind is unthinkable.  We realize there is nothing to fear.  We have transcended into the awareness of who we really are, the One Child of God, inseparable from God and each other.  Our relationships transform into loving holy relationships.  We are joined, never to be lost again.  Say yes, let go, and soar!

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